The Danish Geodata Agency acquires new depth data management system


The Danish Geodata Agency (Geodatastyrelsen) has signed a contract with the Canadian company Teledyne Caris Inc. to deliver a new depth data management system. Once implemented the new system will significantly improve the quality assurance, decision making and efficiency of maritime production within the Danish Hydrographic Office.

Due to an exponential increase in data volume, a wider variety of data sources and the emergence of new technologies the Danish Geodata Agency has been looking for a new system. The aims of the procurement are to ensure efficient management of depth data and the optimisation of the production chain, from survey to chart production.

State of the art system
Now the search is over. At the end of July the agency signed a contract with the Canadian company Teledyne Caris Inc. to deliver a new depth data management system. The new state of the art system will allow for stable and efficient storage and management of depth data and its related meta data. It will support both present and future needs, in terms of survey data formats, standards and data delivery to internal and external users. This will significantly improve maritime production within the Danish Hydrographic Office as redundancy and manual steps are minimized.

Scope of delivery
The scope of the delivery from the Canadian company includes a fully installed, configured and operational Depth Data Management System Environment comprising:

  • Services for project management
  • Configuration of the application
  • Training
  • Implementation
  • Development of data migration strategy and tools
  • Support and maintenance
  • Related consultancy services.

Up and running next year
The planned implementation of the new system will begin in mid-September this year and it will be up and running in the spring of 2019.


Yvonne Morville Petersen
Stilling:Functions Manager
Område:Arktis og Søopmåling
Telefon:7254 5135
Mobil:5156 1065
Belén Jiménez Barón
Stilling:Project Manager
Område:Arktis og Søopmåling